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I can not activate the license


If your network travels through a proxy and for some reason you can not configure it in ClickSign you will not be able to activate your license since it requires an Internet connection.In /index.php/es/manual-de-clicksign/108-configurar-un-proxy-de-salida.html the proxy configuration process is described.

As a solution to this we can generate a product license manually, you must send us the file resulting from the following process:

Abre una ventana de terminal (p.e. en menú inicio -> Ejecutar ... escribe cmd y dale a Intro o pulsa OK).
Escribe los siguientes comandos:

cd \Program Files\isigma\clicksign
ismrun RequestLicense

It will generate a file that you will have to send us by mail, and it will help us to generate a license for you.