ClickSign installation


Clicksign installation

Double click over the provided executable to start Clicksign installation process. Once you have installed ClickSign you will be able to perform document digital signature. Clicksign performs an easy electronic signature process.

The following screen will be shown.


Asistente de instalación de Clicksign para firma electrónica


Click "next" to start the Clicksign installation.

If Java is not installed in your machine the following message will be shown. Press "OK" to go to the official Java site and download and install it. You should not proceed with the installation until you have installed Java.


Proceso de instalación del software Clicksign para firma electrónica


Please, read the license agreement and press "I agree" to continue.


Acuerdo de licencia de Clicksign, software para firma y factura electrónica


Set the application's installation directory destination or leave with default. Press "Install" to start the process.


Configuración de la instalación de Clicksign, software para firma y factura electrónica


Press the "finish" button to finish the installation.


Final del proceso de instalación de Clicksign, software de firma y factura electrónica


Sometimes Clicksign will ask you for restart the machine before you can use the application.



Reinicio del sistema después de instalar Clicksign para firmar electrónicamente documentos


Once you have activated the application you will be able to start to sign documents with ClickSign.



Some of our customers...

Mitsubishi Electric
Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Ajuntament de Manresa
Universitat Ramon Llull
Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía
Ajuntament de Cornellà de Llobregat
Caixa d'Enginyers
Professional staff
Consejo Andaluz de Veterinarios de Andalucía
Il·lustre Col·legi de Veterinaris de Barcelona