
En esta sección encontrarás todas las instrucciones necesarias para utilizar ClickSign.


Digital signature from the contextual menu

Clicksign has been designed to make the digital signature process easy and intuitive. By that reason it uses the contextual menu.

1. First find your document that you want to sign on your operative filesystem.

2. When you find it place the cursor over the document and click with right button to open the contextual menu.

3. Select the option "Sign" and press left button. The digital signature process will start.

Cómo firmar electrónicamente un documento con Clicksign

4. Clicksign access to the digital signature device and shows the following message:

Acceso de Clicksign al dispositivo de firma

6. Once you locate the signature device Clicksign will show the PIN entry where you have to type the correct certificate PIN. Click "OK"

PIN para firma digital con Clicksign

7. If the PIN is correct the next step will be to select the signature device. To do that Clicksign will show all the available signature certificates. Choose the required and click "OK".

Selección de un certificado digital mediante Clicksign

The following message will be shown during the document signature process at the screen's top-left:

Generación de firma electrónica mediante Clicksign

8. A dialog will be shown with the path of the signed document on finish.

Ruta del documento firnal firmado electrónicamente


Clicksign Free only lets to you sign PDF documents.

Clicksign Plus and Clicksign Pro detects automatically the document format and uses the format required (PDF, XML o PKCS#7)