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Signature feature


Digital signature from the contextual menu

Clicksign has been designed to make the digital signature process easy and intuitive. By that reason it uses the contextual menu.

1. First find your document that you want to sign on your operative filesystem.

2. When you find it place the cursor over the document and click with right button to open the contextual menu.

3. Select the option "Sign" and press left button. The digital signature process will start.

Cómo firmar electrónicamente un documento con Clicksign

4. Clicksign access to the digital signature device and shows the following message:

Acceso de Clicksign al dispositivo de firma

6. Once you locate the signature device Clicksign will show the PIN entry where you have to type the correct certificate PIN. Click "OK"

PIN para firma digital con Clicksign

7. If the PIN is correct the next step will be to select the signature device. To do that Clicksign will show all the available signature certificates. Choose the required and click "OK".

Selección de un certificado digital mediante Clicksign

The following message will be shown during the document signature process at the screen's top-left:

Generación de firma electrónica mediante Clicksign

8. A dialog will be shown with the path of the signed document on finish.

Ruta del documento firnal firmado electrónicamente


Clicksign Free only lets to you sign PDF documents.

Clicksign Plus and Clicksign Pro detects automatically the document format and uses the format required (PDF, XML o PKCS#7)


Other formats of electronic signature

With Clicksign Plus and Clicksign Pro you will be able to sign any document kind. When you perform a signature operation over a document that is not a XML or PDF, Clicksign will sign on PKCS#7 format.

Signed document struct

On sign a document as PKCS#7 depending the option selected we will sign as: attached or detached.

  • Attached: This makes a document with the signature in one file. The extension is ".p7a"
  • Detached: This makes the original document itself and the signature as a other file. The extension is ".p7d"

Advantages and drawbacks of attached and detached formats

Advantages Drawbacks
Attached The file ".P7a" is enough as licit evidence Is not possible view the document. You have to extract it first
Detached Is not neccessary extract the document to view it You need the ".p7d" file as evidence and the original document


Check on configuration section of how to select between the both formats. We recommend that you sign with attached because is enough with one file as licit evidence and you can extract the document to view it.


Visible signature on PDF

Is possible setup Clicksign to show a image with the digital signature.

Firma visibel en documetos PDF

Enter to Clicksign setup configuration.

Menú de configuración de Clicksign para firma electrónica



Check the checkbox "Add visible signature on PDF" on the ClickSign's setup dialog and choose between "First page" and "Last page".


Visible signature format

You can setup the visible signature if you have a specific visible signature license.


You have 3 options to setup the visible signature position:

-Position: You can define a position of the visible signature on the document.

-Size: Defined by width and heigth.

-Offset: References the separation space between the visible signatures.


Tick the checkbox "Show signer information on the visible signature" if you want show the signature data over the image.


Tick the checkbox "Use background image" and set a background image that will be shown as visible signature.


Opciones de firma visible de Clicksign


XML formatted digital signature

The XML formatted digital signature is based in XML Dsig standard.

XML formatted digital signature scenarios

Regarding the situación of data that will be signed regarding its signature there is the following situation:

  1. Enveloping Signature: The XML signature wraps the signed content.
  2. Detached Signature: The signed object is separated from the XML signature.
  3. Enveloped Signature: The content you want to sign wraps the signature.

The XML document signature may be very useful to sign electronic invoices Facturae formatted.

Firma digital de PDF

La firma en formato PDF, quedará incrustada en el documento en el formato requerido por Adobe.

Podemos visualizar las firmas contenidas en el documento, a través de la opción correspondiente en el margen izquierdo, tal como muestra la figura:

Visualizar firmas digitales en documentos PDF


Restricciones en Clicksign Free para firmar PDF

  • En el caso de Clicksign Free, cuando incorporamos la firma digital a un documento PDF se agrega en el margen superior derecho del mismo la siguiente marca gráfica:

Logo de Clicksign

  • Clicksign Free no permite incluir más de una firma en un documento PDF

Marcas gráficas en Clicksign Plus y Clicksign Pro

En Clicksign Plus y Clicksign Pro, se elimina la marca gráfica promocional y el número de firmas por documento es ilimitada.

Para cada firmante, se incluirá en el margen inferior izquierdo del documento una marca con los datos del certificado de firma, tal como se muestra en la figura siguiente:

Marcas gráficas en la firma digital de PDF